Sunday, August 28, 2011

health is wealth

i really don't get how "health conscious" people get.

it seems like there's just a thin line between diet and starvation. correct me if these words are really synonymous. but, being healthy is eating right, right?

why do people want to fit in a body shape they are not born in?
denial.. low self esteem..

Sunday, August 21, 2011


i feel terrible today.
no sleep and lack of food.

i was on 12-hours duty yesterday. after work, i went out with my friends for UBE at V8 --our official partner for videoke nights. :)) went home past 12mn, slept past 1am. woke up at 4:30am. 6am, i started my 16 hour duty.

i had fun last night. i had heartaches last night too. realizations sank in. and now, i need to be in my better self again. amidst the feeling of a heavy head and an empty stomach and a heartache.

go me!

--i'm so tempted to say that i'll be blogging about my UBE night with friends last night but i always end up making empty promises when it comes to blogging. :)) i'll try to remember to post pictures though. XD

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

love-hate relationship

i have this love and hate relationship with money.
it's like when i have much, i'm so angry with it that i just want to spend it. when i have little, i love it so much that i cannot take it out of my pocket. :))
there are also incidents where i just feel right about it that i invest it. haha.

it may sound like i deal with money based on my feelings but i just sound like it. i want to believe that i know how to spend it well. --though there are times that i indulge throught it. :))

today, i don't know how i can call my relationship with money. but i threw some on a P&S camera. XD

i'm not techy in a sense that i don't really mind much the trends with gadgets. i buy from time to time. but when i'm comfortable, i don't mind having it for years and years.

i need a camera. considering i have a lot of upcoming out of town trips. the one i used to borrow from my mom is a little old and out of condition. so i decided to buy myself one.

i asked a friend to help me out research a good camera and a good price find. and yesterday, he found me one at an online store with a name i forgot what and we scheduled a meet up today at 4pm. the deal went well. i really hope i put my money where it deserves.

here's what i bought:
--i don't have a picture of it yet since i didn't had a chance to even open it due to work. i'll just be using a picture i found online. :)

canon S95
for reviews, you can check google for it.

i'll post updates and feelings regarding this camera sometime soon i hope. :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

hands all over

before i forget about this, i wanted to blog it.

i'm loving maroon 5's latest album. i love their beat on it.
i love them again! ♥

Hands All Over

i'll be having them in my playlist. :)

on the works

guess who have a new blog template today? XP

i kinda messed with CSS codes today since i'm bored. so what you see as my blog template made it all happen. :)) don't get me wrong, i did not made this template. i just copied it from a website. i'm just tweeking it a little bit to suit my taste. --i'll kinda practice with it based on what i've read today. :)) i hope this may go successfully. :))

current site status: on the works. XD

Saturday, August 13, 2011

giddy much? :))

i hope blogging about how wonderful my days were for the past few weeks won't jinx it. :))

but i can't help but share how wonderful i feel. *giddy*

(1) to start of, all my dramas from the previous blogs are now gone. it had been a struggle. but i passed them all now. i learned that the key for being ok and moving on is letting go. have i forgiven? well... if your definition is based on oprah wherein she says that, "forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed", i guess i've forgiven. but i'm still in the process of getting back to my old self. ...i'll get there soon enough. i'm doing my best. :)

(2) work had been nice to me lately too. my work felt easier --i like to think that it is easy because i've already learned a lot--, my workmates seems happier and my shifts are not that heavy any more. :)  though there are still things i can't be happy about, i'm civil with those circumstances. i know i can't be that lucky. :))

(3) i started working on my 2011 to-do list again. i've been slacking of in achieving it due to my melodramas. but i'm back on my feet. i really feel accomplished with it. a few more months are left for 2011. but i'm positive in checking a lot of it.
and true, some plans can change due to circumstances. some things in my list are not to be considered this year. it is sad... but, i want to take it as an inspiration to make it happen in its right time. :)

(4) and since i've been into my to-do list again, i'm beginning to be creative. :)) it is fun though it burns my pocket at times. but hey, i got to do what i got to do, right? i hope i'm creative enough to execute it as i envisioned it. =))

(5) i'm into loving being in love again. yes, corny much. but who cares? love is really corny at its finest. :)) i guess this reason made my life a whole lot better. :D and i'm happy to think that it will always be with the same man. :X

thank you, Lord! :DD
enough for today. haha. end. :D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


hello, august! :)
--it seems strange that i only get to blog at the start of every month. haha. XD

nothing new in my life lately. same old things. it had been raining for the past weeks so no activity going on for me. except my continuous eating, my oversleeping habits, my usual procastinations, my from time to time grumpiness and my other status in between.

seems strange... i feel like old things are coming back to me now. i can say it's a happy strangeness. :) ♥

from between my last blog and this, a lot of realizations have strucked me about my life. i've been doing a lot of drama and i have a lot of reasons to blame my drama in. but when i got tired and stopped all of it, my life had been more manageable. :)) i know. pains are sometimes self inflicted and that you cannot gain your self worth from someone but yourself. and yes, i've learned that in a hard way. and yes, i'm still learning it today. :)

--for some reason, my blog is not suppose to be about this. i was suppose to blog last week about something but i only had the time today and i have forgotten all about it. too bad for i feel like it is important. :))

i look forward to more life learnings on the following days. go august! :)