Friday, February 11, 2011

the only exception..

they say, finding your perfect guy is a lucky find. but i say, finding someone who is not perfect but is your perfect pair sure is a blessing.

for seven years, i've been with my perfect pair.♥

through good times and bad times, he's always with me. he takes care of me, he listens and answers my senselessness. he is my unending fan who is always happy for my triumphs, he is my strength on my downfalls. he's the cause of my smiles, my happy tears. my funny man, my knight in shinning muscles.♥ my food buddy, my travel mate. he is everything i've experienced because he never left my side.♥

knowing he loves me made me love myself more. through him, i discovered my self worth. truly, he is my best blessing. my one true gift from God.♥

seven years is a very long time. but it came by without us noticing. as they say, time flies when you're having fun. true. each day is always new, always a day to start fresh. each time is always special. with him, everyday is a gift.♥

i pray that what we have will remain for as long as God will permit. and i hope He will permit us to stay this way for as long as we will live.♥ i don't want anyone else. i love loving him.♥

--yes, i promised a blog of my happy day. but i remembered, moments are sweet because it is shared with someone special. we'll keep it to ourselves for now, hihi.♥ but i'll share some pictures. :)

boat ride, yey!

endorsing nuvali life vests? X))

never realized koy feeding would be fun. again, again!

serious? XD

he's my perfect pair.♥ i'm his perfect pair.♥

a very very nice gift.♥ how cute are we?

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